The Image of God: Understanding Our True Identity

The Image of God: Understanding Our True Identity


An Inspiring Story

John was a successful businessman who had everything he could ask for in life. However, he felt a sense of emptiness that he couldn’t explain. One day, he attended a church service and heard a sermon on the image of God. The message touched him deeply and made him realize that he had been living his life without truly understanding his identity as a child of God.

The realization of being created in the image of God transformed John’s life. He became more compassionate, generous, and purposeful. He started using his resources to help those in need and to spread the message of God’s love. John’s life became a testimony of what happens when we embrace our true identity.

Creation of Man in God’s Image

The concept of being created in God’s image can be traced back to the book of Genesis in the Bible. In chapter 1, verse 27, it says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

While the exact meaning of being created in God’s image is not explicitly stated in the scripture, there are various interpretations. One of the most widely accepted views is that it refers to man’s unique ability to reflect God’s attributes like rationality, creativity, and moral virtues.

Also, being created in God’s image means that we have inherent worth and dignity, which sets us apart from other creatures on earth.

Significance of Being Created in God’s Image

Understanding that we are made in the image of God can transform our lives in many ways. Here are some of the ways it can impact us:

  • Identity: Our identity is not based on our accomplishments, possessions, or other earthly things. It is rooted in the fact that we are children of God and reflect His image.
  • Purpose: We are not here on earth just to exist, but to fulfill God’s purposes and to bring glory to His name.
  • Morality: Since we reflect God’s moral attributes, we have an obligation to act in accordance with His will and to live a life of righteousness.

Examples of Living According to Our True Identity

Here are some examples of people who lived according to their identity as being created in God’s image:

“Whenever a man does a thoroughly righteous deed, it should not be looked upon as the action of man, but as the action of God who is in him.” – Swami Vivekananda

Mother Teresa is another example of someone who embodied the image of God in her life. She dedicated her life to serving the poor and the sick, stating that “each one of them is Jesus in disguise.”

Living according to our true identity may not always be easy, but it brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment that cannot be found in anything else.


Understanding our identity as being created in God’s image can transform our lives in profound ways. Here are three key takeaways:

  1. Identity: Our true identity is rooted in being children of God.
  2. Purpose: We are called to fulfill God’s purposes and to bring glory to His name.
  3. Morality: We have an obligation to reflect God’s moral attributes in our life.

By embracing our true identity, we can live a life of meaning and purpose, and make a positive impact on the world around us.

© 2022 The Image of God | Category: Spirituality

  • #ImageofGod
  • #TrueIdentity
  • #GodsImage
  • #IdentityCrisis
  • #Purpose
  • #Morality
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