The Art of Poetry: Why Money Shouldn’t Be the Focus

The Art of Poetry: Why Money Shouldn’t Be the Focus


There is a famous saying by Robert Graves that goes like this: “There’s no money in poetry, but then there’s no poetry in money, either.” This quote highlights the notion that poetry is an art form that shouldn’t be pursued for monetary gain. Instead, it’s a passion that should be indulged to fulfill one’s creative needs and express themselves in the purest form possible.

An Inspiring Story

Let me share with you an inspiring story I came across that perfectly exemplifies the essence of poetry. A young boy from rural India was introduced to the world of poetry at the age of 10. He was fascinated by the play of words and the emotions they evoked. The boy started writing poems as a means of expressing himself and his surroundings. Poetry became his best friend, and he started dreaming of becoming a published poet.

Soon enough, the boy started participating in poetry competitions, and his talent was recognized. He received many accolades for his work in various national-level competitions. But as he pursued his passion, he realized that the biggest reward was the satisfaction he derived from writing poetry. He started using poetry as a means of bringing about social change in his community.

Now, this boy has grown up to become a renowned poet, known all over the world. But he still believes that the real purpose of poetry is to touch hearts and souls, not to make money.

Robert Graves Story

The author of the famous quote, Robert Graves, was a British poet, novelist, and scholar. He was born in 1895 and had a long and prolific career. Graves was passionate about poetry and was one of the most highly-regarded poets of his time. He did not believe in pursuing poetry for monetary gain and instead believed that it should be written for its own sake.

Examples of Poets Who Pursued Poetry for its Sake

Poets like Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth, and Walt Whitman wrote poetry simply because they loved it. They were not driven by the desire for recognition or financial gain. Instead, they wrote poetry to express themselves and connect with others. Their works are still celebrated and cherished today because they were written from the heart, not for commercial gain.

Why Poetry Should not be about the Money

Poetry is an art form that should be done for passion, not for profit. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Poetry is a way to express oneself freely and creatively
  2. Poetry is a way to connect with others on a deeper level
  3. Poetry is a way to cope with difficult emotions and experiences

Practical Tips

If you are passionate about poetry, here are some practical tips you can follow:

  • Read as much poetry as you can to learn from other poets
  • Write poetry in a journal every day to practice and improve
  • Join a poetry group or organization to connect with other poets and receive feedback on your work


It’s time we embrace the true essence of poetry and pursue it for its intrinsic value. Poetry is not about making money; it’s about expressing oneself creatively, connecting with others, and coping with difficult emotions. Let’s follow the example of great poets before us who wrote from the heart simply because they loved it.

  1. Let poetry be a passion, not a business
  2. Write from the heart to connect with readers
  3. Use poetry to express yourself and bring about social change


#poetry #creativity #expression #passion #socialchange #intrinsicvalue

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Poetry, Creative Writing, Art, Passion, Expression, Social Change

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