Tag: #peace

  • Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    by Jane Doe Imagine a world where countries do not engage in war, but rather, they work together towards achieving global peace and harmony. Sounds like a fantasy, doesn’t it? But it is possible, and it starts with a seed of hope and a reminder from history.

  • Peace and its destructive effects on Manhood

    Peace and its destructive effects on Manhood

    It is a common saying that there is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body. This statement by Douglas William Jerrold remains valid till today. The world has seen many wars that have destroyed people, homes and entire cities. Peace, on the other hand, seems…

  • Love, Hate, Peace and War: Understanding the Place of Different Emotions in Life

    Love, Hate, Peace and War: Understanding the Place of Different Emotions in Life

    There was once a man named Thompson who had been wrongfully imprisoned for 25 years. He was finally released and given $100 compensation for each year he had been incarcerated. However, instead of seeking revenge or harboring hatred towards the people who had wrongly accused him, Thompson decided to use the money to set up…

  • Fear: The Beginning of All Evil

    Fear: The Beginning of All Evil

    It was a cold winter night when Anna Jameson, a successful businesswoman, was walking alone to her car after a long day at work. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her and felt a cold breeze down her spine. Fear started to crawl inside her, and she wished she had someone walking by her side. As…

  • Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    by Jane Doe Imagine a world where countries do not engage in war, but rather, they work together towards achieving global peace and harmony. Sounds like a fantasy, doesn’t it? But it is possible, and it starts with a seed of hope and a reminder from history.