Tag: #MentalHealth

  • Beware of Men Who Cry

    Beware of Men Who Cry

    There is a story I once heard about a manager who was tasked with leading a team through an incredibly difficult project. His team was tired, morale was low, and the deadline was fast approaching. During a particularly grueling meeting, one of the members of his team broke down in tears. The manager was unsure…

  • The Art of Controlling Anger

    The Art of Controlling Anger

    As a child, I struggled with controlling my anger. My parents were constantly scolding me for losing my temper over small things. One day, while at the park, I witnessed a scene that changed my outlook on anger. A little boy, around my age, was playing on the swings with his father while his mother…

  • Peace and its destructive effects on Manhood

    Peace and its destructive effects on Manhood

    It is a common saying that there is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body. This statement by Douglas William Jerrold remains valid till today. The world has seen many wars that have destroyed people, homes and entire cities. Peace, on the other hand, seems…

  • Music: The Melody of Life | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

    Music: The Melody of Life | Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

    When I was a child, my favorite pastime was listening to music on my mother’s old record player. The sounds of jazz, blues, and soul would transport me to a different world, one where anything was possible. As I grew older, my love of music only deepened, and I began to see just how powerful…

  • Gratitude: The Key to Happiness

    Gratitude: The Key to Happiness

    Imagine waking up one day and finding out that you’ve lost every material possession you’ve ever owned – your house, your car, your clothes. You’re left with nothing but the clothes on your back. What would you do? That’s precisely what happened to a man named Nick. He was devastated, unsure of how he would…

  • Fear: The Beginning of All Evil

    Fear: The Beginning of All Evil

    It was a cold winter night when Anna Jameson, a successful businesswoman, was walking alone to her car after a long day at work. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her and felt a cold breeze down her spine. Fear started to crawl inside her, and she wished she had someone walking by her side. As…

  • Beware of Men Who Cry

    Beware of Men Who Cry

    There is a story I once heard about a manager who was tasked with leading a team through an incredibly difficult project. His team was tired, morale was low, and the deadline was fast approaching. During a particularly grueling meeting, one of the members of his team broke down in tears. The manager was unsure…