Tag: #Creativity

  • Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    It was a beautiful summer evening, the kind of evening that makes you want to stay outside forever. In a nearby park, there was a small gathering of people, surrounded by trees and the sounds of nature. They were there for a poetry reading, and as the sun began to set, the first poet took…

  • A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    Have you ever felt stuck in your business and unable to move forward? It happens to even the most successful entrepreneurs. But what sets them apart is their ability to adapt and revise their schedules like athletes do when faced with a new season, or artists when given a new canvas.

  • The Last Person in the World

    The Last Person in the World

    It was the early 90s, and musician David Byrne was in Miami to promote his solo album. He had agreed to do an interview on a local radio station, and everything was going well until the interviewer asked if he would play some salsa or Brazilian music. Byrne froze. It didn’t even occur to him…

  • The Danger of Copying Oneself: Lessons from Pablo Picasso

    The Danger of Copying Oneself: Lessons from Pablo Picasso

    Success is something we all crave. The feeling of accomplishment and achievement is incredibly satisfying, but it can be dangerous. Once we achieve success, it’s easy to slip into a routine of repetition, doing what worked before instead of innovating and trying new things. This idea is exemplified perfectly by the famous artist and innovator,…

  • The Beauty of Grand Opera Music: A Powerful Stage Appeal

    The Beauty of Grand Opera Music: A Powerful Stage Appeal

    It was a cold winter night, and the snow was falling heavily outside. I decided to treat myself to a night of grand opera to warm my soul. As I sat in the theater surrounded by hundreds of people, I was transported to another world. The orchestra started playing, and the singers took to the…

  • The Art of Poetry: Why Money Shouldn’t Be the Focus

    The Art of Poetry: Why Money Shouldn’t Be the Focus

    There is a famous saying by Robert Graves that goes like this: “There’s no money in poetry, but then there’s no poetry in money, either.” This quote highlights the notion that poetry is an art form that shouldn’t be pursued for monetary gain. Instead, it’s a passion that should be indulged to fulfill one’s creative…

  • The Art of Photography

    The Art of Photography

    Photography is one of the most powerful visual arts that can capture the beauty and essence of life. It has the power to inspire, inform, and enlighten us in ways that no other medium can. As Ambrose Bierce once said, “Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.” This quote perfectly captures…

  • The Art of Eliminating the Unnecessary

    The Art of Eliminating the Unnecessary

    Once there was a sculptor who was known for creating beautiful pieces of art. One day, a friend asked him, “How do you make such amazing sculptures?” The sculptor replied, “I simply remove the parts that are not essential.” This story illustrates the importance of eliminating the unnecessary in art. It is a principle that…

  • Poetry: The Language of Emotions

    Poetry: The Language of Emotions

    Do not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality.

  • God vs Director: The Art of Documentary Filmmaking

    God vs Director: The Art of Documentary Filmmaking

    It was the year 1986 when I first met Mr. James Stone. He was a renowned documentary filmmaker who had many successful films to his credit. I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to assist him in his next project. While I was excited, I was also nervous as I did not have much…

  • Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    It was a beautiful summer evening, the kind of evening that makes you want to stay outside forever. In a nearby park, there was a small gathering of people, surrounded by trees and the sounds of nature. They were there for a poetry reading, and as the sun began to set, the first poet took…

  • A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    Have you ever felt stuck in your business and unable to move forward? It happens to even the most successful entrepreneurs. But what sets them apart is their ability to adapt and revise their schedules like athletes do when faced with a new season, or artists when given a new canvas.