Science: The Commandment to Contribute

The Power of Contribution in Science


An Inspiring Bertolt Brecht Story

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Bertolt Brecht who dreamed of becoming a scientist. He was filled with curiosity and ambition to make a difference in the world, but he faced many challenges along the way. Despite the obstacles, he kept pushing forward, continually seeking to contribute to the field of science.

Brecht understood the value of making meaningful contributions to science, and he realized that science commands every scientist to do so. Science is the pursuit of knowledge with the goal of benefiting society, and it requires a level of commitment that goes beyond individual interests.

From observing patterns in the natural world and understanding the laws of physics, to developing new technology and medication, contributing to science is fundamental to the progress and wellbeing of the global community.

The Importance of Contribution

1. Advancement of Knowledge

By contributing to science, you can advance knowledge in your field, and even challenge prevailing theories. Contributing can include sharing new research, presenting data, conducting experiments, and publishing papers. When scientists share their work, they give others the opportunity to build on their findings, leading to even further advancements.

2. Creation of Opportunities

Contributing to science also creates opportunities for future generations of scientists. By sharing the knowledge gained through research, scientists can inspire others to push the boundaries of what is currently known and discover novel solutions to real-world problems. This can lead to new discoveries and innovation, which in turn can help tackle global challenges such as climate change and disease outbreaks.

3. Recognition and Collaboration

Contributing to science can also lead to recognition and collaboration with peers in the field. Sharing research can lead to more visibility and credibility, and can even attract collaborations with other scientists and institutions. By collaborating, scientists can tackle bigger problems, which can lead to even greater discoveries and meaningful contributions.

Examples of Contribution

  • Jonas Salk contributing to science by discovering the polio vaccine.
  • Marie Curie contributing to science by discovering radium and polonium.
  • Stephen Hawking contributing to science by exploring the mysteries of the universe, despite suffering from motor neuron disease.

These are just a few of the many scientists who have made notable contributions that had a significant impact on society. As a scientist, it is vital to consider how you can contribute and work towards advancing knowledge and creating opportunities for others.


When it comes to science, the commandment is crystal clear – contribute. By making meaningful contributions, you can help advance knowledge, create opportunities, and gain recognition and collaboration from peers. As Bertolt Brecht discovered on his journey, the power of contribution cannot be overstated.

“Science knows only one commandment – contribute to science.” – Bertolt Brecht

Practical Tips:

  • Regularly participate in scientific conferences to share your work and learn from others in the field.
  • Maintain professional networks to stay up-to-date with the latest research
  • Collaborate with other scientists to tackle bigger problems and create groundbreaking solutions

Article Category: Science

SEO Keywords: science, contribute, advancement, collaboration, opportunities, knowledge

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