Peace and its destructive effects on Manhood

The Destruction of Manhood Through Peace


It is a common saying that there is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body. This statement by Douglas William Jerrold remains valid till today. The world has seen many wars that have destroyed people, homes and entire cities. Peace, on the other hand, seems to be the best outcome of any conflict, yet it carries within it a hidden destructiveness.

The Story of Jake

Jake was a high-ranking executive in a thriving financial institution. He had a great job that paid well and a good family who loved him. He had everything that would make him happy, yet he felt empty. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was missing from his life.

One day, while browsing the internet, he stumbled upon a video of a man who had sold everything he had and decided to travel the world without any possessions. Jake was intrigued by the man’s story and decided to do some research. The more he read about people who had similar experiences, the more he felt drawn to their lifestyle.

After much contemplation, Jake realised that he was miserable because he was living a life that was dictated to him by society. He felt trapped by the expectations of his job and society’s definition of success. He knew that the only way to regain control of his life was to experience the freedom that came with minimalism.

This story illustrates how peace, in this case, a peaceful life, can be destructive. Jake had everything that society defines as success, yet he was unfulfilled. He found happiness in a lifestyle that was not conventional and required sacrificing what he had.

It is easy to fall into the trap of living a life that society prescribes. Growing up, I was led to believe that a good education and a high-paying job were the keys to success. I worked hard to achieve academically, and it paid off when I landed a well-paying job.

However, I realised that I felt empty inside. I hated my job, and I was not fulfilled, despite earning a lot of money. I decided to quit my job and explore different options that aligned with my passions. It was not easy, but I found that pursuing my passions was more fulfilling than any amount of money could provide.

Another personal experience that highlights how peace can be destructive is that of a friend who struggled with anxiety. Her life was peaceful, yet she was constantly anxious. She realised that having too much peace was detrimental to her mental health. She found that engaging in activities that challenged her and helped her grow, even if they were stressful, gave her a sense of purpose and improved her mental health.

Examples of Destructive Peace

Mental Health

As illustrated in the personal anecdotes above, too much peace can be detrimental to mental health. In a world that values busyness and stress, it is easy to overlook the importance of challenges and stress in personal growth and fulfilment. Having too much peace can lead to boredom, anxiety and depression.


Peace can also be destructive in that it can lead to stagnation. When people are content with their current situation, they stop striving for better things. They become complacent and forget about their ambitions. They become afraid of change and miss out on opportunities for growth and development.

Social Injustice

Peace can also allow social injustices to persist. When people are too peaceful, they are less likely to fight against injustices and push for change. They accept the status quo and become complacent. This allows people in positions of power to continue oppressing and taking advantage of the less fortunate.


  1. While peace is essential, it is important to recognise its potential destructive effects.
  2. Too much peace can lead to stagnation and mental health issues.
  3. It is crucial to strike a balance between peace and challenges to achieve personal growth and fulfilment.


#peace #destructiveeffects #manhood #war #mentalhealth #challenges #growth #fulfilment #socialinjustice

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peace, manhood, war, destructive effects, mental health, challenges, growth, fulfilment, social injustice.

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Social Issues

©2021 by Jane Doe

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