Newton’s Apple: The Effectiveness of Evolutionary Naturalists in Holding Science Hostage

Newton’s Apple: The Effectiveness of Evolutionary Naturalists in Holding Science Hostage


It was a crisp autumn morning when young Isaac Newton sat beneath an apple tree, pondering the mysteries of the universe. Suddenly, an apple fell from the tree and hit him on the head, inspiring him to ask the fundamental question: why do things fall? This simple question led Newton to discover the laws of gravity, and changed the course of science forever.

But Newton’s revolutionary ideas were not accepted without controversy. In fact, many scientists of his time were skeptical of his theories, and it took decades for them to gain widespread acceptance. Today, a similar controversy rages on between evolutionary naturalists and scientific creationists, with each side claiming to hold the keys to scientific truth.

The Background: Phillip E. Johnson

Phillip E. Johnson, a former law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, is a prominent figure in the scientific creationist movement. He is best known for his influential book, Darwin on Trial, in which he argues that evolutionary theory is not supported by the evidence and is, in fact, dogma masquerading as science.

In response to Johnson’s criticisms, evolutionary naturalists have launched a counterattack, arguing that he and his followers are attempting to usurp science for their own religious purposes. They claim that creationism is not science, but rather a form of faith that has no place in the classroom.

The Effectiveness of Evolutionary Naturalists

In short, it is not that evolutionary naturalists have been less brazen than the scientific creationists in holding science hostage, but rather that they have been infinitely more effective in getting away with it. Unlike creationists, who have been unable to make significant inroads into the scientific establishment, evolutionary naturalists have succeeded in dominating the field of biology and marginalizing dissenting voices.

One reason for this is that evolutionary theory has become a sort of secular religion for many scientists, who view it as the cornerstone of their worldview. To question the validity of evolution is to question the very foundations of science itself, and is therefore a heresy that must be stamped out.

Another reason is that evolutionary naturalists have been successful in portraying themselves as the defenders of objective truth, while painting their opponents as unscientific and ignorant. They have created a false dichotomy between science and religion, as if the two are irreconcilable, and have pushed an agenda that is based more on ideology than on evidence.

Examples of Evolutionary Naturalism in Action

  • The push to teach evolution as fact in public schools, while ignoring or downplaying alternative views
  • The censorship of research that questions the validity of evolutionary theory
  • The demonization of creationists as anti-science and backward
  • The refusal to engage in honest debate or dialogue with those who hold alternative views


In summary, the effectiveness of evolutionary naturalists in holding science hostage is due to their dominance of the scientific establishment, their portrayal of themselves as the defenders of objective truth, and their agenda-driven approach to science. To counter this, it is essential for scientists and educators to be open-minded and willing to engage in honest dialogue, rather than resorting to name-calling and censorship.

  1. Encourage open discussion and debate
  2. Teach critical thinking skills rather than just regurgitating dogma
  3. Recognize the importance of worldview and bias in scientific inquiry


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evolution, creationism, science, Phillip E. Johnson, debate, critical thinking

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