Living on After Death: The Mark of a Great Man – By James Dean

Living on After Death: The Mark of a Great Man


On a sunny day in September, Danny passed away. A young man with a vibrant soul, he left behind those who loved him dearly. But Danny’s memory did not fade away after his physical presence was gone. His legacy lived on through his art and his kindness. He had left a mark on the world that would stand the test of time.

This brings us to the question – what is the mark of a great man? Is it the accomplishments one achieves in life? Or is it the impact one leaves on the world even after death?

The Legacy of a Great Man

A great man is one who transcends the physical boundaries of life and death. He lives on through his legacy. He is remembered for the impact he made on the world and the people around him. A great man is someone who inspires others to be their best selves, to make a positive difference in the world, and to be remembered for their contribution long after they are gone.

Examples of Great Men

There have been many great men in history who have left their mark on the world, including:

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: King’s impact on the civil rights movement in the United States was profound and far-reaching. His words and actions inspired countless others to continue the fight for equality long after his death.
  • Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa’s selfless service to the poor and needy around the world has made her a beloved figure to many. Her legacy continues to inspire people to make a difference in their communities and beyond.
  • Steve Jobs: Jobs’ vision and passion for technology revolutionized the way we communicate and do business. He has left an indelible mark on the world of technology that continues to influence innovation and creativity today.

I remember my grandfather as a great man. He was a simple man who lived a simple life, but his impact on his community and his family was immeasurable. He instilled in me a sense of responsibility to do good in the world and to always treat others with kindness and respect. His memory lives on through the stories we share about him and the values he taught us.


  1. A great man is one who leaves a lasting impact on the world and the people around him.
  2. Examples of great men include Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, and Steve Jobs.
  3. Personal anecdotes emphasize the importance of the values and lessons great men can teach us, and the importance of continuing their legacy.


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