Confide in Yourself: Becoming Someone of Worth and Value

Confide in Yourself: Becoming Someone of Worth and Value


An Inspiring Story of Michelangelo

Michelangelo was once asked how he created such beautiful sculptures. He replied, “It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn’t look like David.”

The same can be said for becoming someone of worth and value. You need to chip away the parts of yourself that do not help you become the best version of yourself. Michelangelo’s sculptures did not go from a block of stone to a masterpiece overnight. It took time, effort, and dedication. The same holds true for becoming someone of worth and value.

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded by promises of success and instant gratification. We are led to believe that if we follow a certain program, buy a specific product, or listen to a self-proclaimed guru, we will achieve our dreams. However, these promises are often empty and lead to disappointment.

“The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms and to confide in oneself and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.” – Michelangelo

Confide in Yourself

The first step towards becoming someone of worth and value is to confide in yourself. This means trusting your own instincts, abilities, and beliefs. You need to rely on your own inner voice rather than being swayed by external factors.

Confiding in yourself also means taking responsibility for your own actions. You cannot blame others for your shortcomings or failures. Instead, you must own up to your mistakes and learn from them.

Becoming Something of Worth and Value

To become someone of worth and value, you need to focus on developing your strengths and talents. This means identifying what you are good at and working to improve in those areas.

  • Take a skills assessment test to identify your strengths
  • Develop a plan to improve your skills
  • Practice regularly to hone your abilities
  • Seek feedback from others to identify areas for improvement

Becoming something of worth and value also means being true to your values and beliefs. You must stand up for what you believe in, even if it is unpopular or goes against the norm.

The Best and Safest Course

Confiding in yourself and becoming something of worth and value is the best and safest course. Following someone else’s path may lead to short-term success, but it does not guarantee long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Remember, success is not measured by external factors such as wealth or status. It is measured by personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment. By confiding in yourself and becoming someone of worth and value, you can achieve true success on your own terms.


  1. Confide in yourself by trusting your own instincts and taking responsibility for your actions
  2. Become something of worth and value by focusing on your strengths and talents, and being true to your values and beliefs
  3. Success is measured by personal growth, happiness, and fulfillment rather than external factors

Hashtags: #selfconfidence #personaldevelopment #success #mindset #worthandvalue #fulfillment SEO Keywords: confiding in yourself, personal growth, success, self-belief, values and beliefs, fulfillment. Article Category: Personal Development.

Curated by Team Akash.Mittal.Blog

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