Commitment- Yielding the Nerve Center of Our Consent

Commitment- Yielding the Nerve Center of Our Consent


An Inspiring Story

June never thought she could dive off a 20-foot-high cliff into the cool, blue water 30 feet below. But with an unwavering commitment, she approached the edge, took a deep breath, and leaped off without hesitation.

For June, it was symbolic of the power of commitment- to face her fears, step out of her comfort zone and take a leap of faith, despite the danger. That plunge has become a defining moment for her.


Commitment is a powerful force that gives us purpose, direction, and meaning in life. It allows us to focus our energy and resources on a specific goal or idea. Commitment means allowing the nerve center of your consent to be controlled by a greater purpose or cause which is more important than living or dying.

Author – Howard Thurman

Howard Thurman was an American author, philosopher, and theologian whose work has inspired generations of social activists and spiritual leaders. He was a key figure in the civil rights movement and worked closely with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He wrote extensively on the power of commitment, emphasizing the need for individuals to connect with a higher purpose in life.

What is Commitment?

At its core, commitment is all about choosing a purpose, a movement or an ideal that is more important to you than your own life. It is the recognition that there is something bigger than ourselves that we should strive for. It involves giving yourself completely to a cause in a way that transcends personal interests and limitations.

Examples of Commitment

  • Charity workers– people who devote their lives to helping the less fortunate, with little or no personal gain.
  • Social activists– individuals who work tirelessly to raise awareness of social issues, campaigning for positive change in society, even at great personal risk.
  • Military personnel– those who are willing to risk their lives to defend their country, protecting the freedoms and values they hold dear.
  • Entrepreneurs– people who have a vision of starting a business, developing valuable products and services, and creating jobs and opportunities for others.

When I was working on my first book, I would wake up early every morning to work on it. It was hard work, and sometimes I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere. But I made a commitment to myself to finish it, and that gave me the motivation to push through the doubts and the setbacks.

Another time, I was working with a group of volunteers to help build homes for the homeless. It was tough physical work, and there were times when I felt like giving up. But I made a commitment to see it through, and that helped me find the strength and the determination to keep going.

Howard Thurman’s Quotes

“Commitment means that it is possible for a man to yield the nerve center of his consent to a purpose or cause, a movement or an ideal, which may be more important to him than whether he lives or dies.”


  1. Commitment is a powerful force that gives us purpose, direction, and meaning in life.
  2. Commitment involves choosing a purpose, a movement or an ideal that is more important than your own life, transcending personal interests and limitations.
  3. Commitment is essential for achieving great things in life, whether it’s starting a business, helping the less fortunate, standing up for justice, or simply making a lasting impact on the world around us.

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Commitment, Purpose, Cause, Nerve Center, Consent, Howard Thurman

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