Category: inspiring

  • Death is Softer by Far than Tyranny

    Death is Softer by Far than Tyranny

    One of the most inspiring stories that comes to mind when I think of this quote is that of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Incase, if you didn’t know, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident, who was executed by hanging in 1945 for his involvement in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Despite…

  • Dancing about Architecture: Writing About Music

    Dancing about Architecture: Writing About Music

    A long time ago, a young writer wanted to become a music journalist. He was passionate about music and words, and he thought he had what it takes to write about his favorite bands and artists. One day, he got the chance to interview a famous musician, and he spent hours researching and writing questions.…

  • Crazy but Successful: The Story of Kirk Hammett

    Crazy but Successful: The Story of Kirk Hammett

    Kirk Hammett, the lead guitarist of the legendary band Metallica, is known for his jaw-dropping guitar solos and crazy stage performances. But not many know about his humble beginnings and the struggles he faced before reaching the pinnacle of success. Kirk Hammett was born in San Francisco on November 18, 1962. He grew up in…

  • Defeatist Attitudes: How to Overcome Them and Find Success

    Defeatist Attitudes: How to Overcome Them and Find Success

    It was a warm day in Texas when Carroll Shelby, the famous American automobile designer and race car driver, decided to take his brand new Porsche out for a spin. As he was driving down the highway, he noticed a rattling sound under the hood. He pulled over to investigate and found that a piece…

  • Conversational Dialog: Not as Difficult as You Think

    Conversational Dialog: Not as Difficult as You Think

    Let me tell you a story about my friend, Deidre Hall. Deidre is a successful businesswoman who used to struggle with public speaking. She was always nervous when she had to give presentations to her colleagues or clients. One day, Deidre attended a workshop on conversational dialog. She learned how to communicate with people in…

  • Continuous Learning: The Key to Success

    Continuous Learning: The Key to Success

    “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” -Albert Einstein This quote by Einstein tells us the importance of having a thirst for knowledge. Continuous learning is not only a way to keep up with the changing scenarios of life but also a way to grow and excel in every aspect of life.

  • Confide in Yourself: Becoming Someone of Worth and Value

    Confide in Yourself: Becoming Someone of Worth and Value

    Michelangelo was once asked how he created such beautiful sculptures. He replied, “It is easy. You just chip away the stone that doesn’t look like David.” The same can be said for becoming someone of worth and value. You need to chip away the parts of yourself that do not help you become the best…

  • Compromising for Popularity: A Fatal Mistake

    Compromising for Popularity: A Fatal Mistake

    Back in the 1940s, a young man named Walt Disney had a dream of creating a company that would produce animated movies. However, nobody believed in him at the time. He had been fired from an animation studio for not being creative enough, and investors saw no potential in his idea. Despite this, he refused…

  • Communication Tools: Enhancing Learning and Achieving Freedom

    Communication Tools: Enhancing Learning and Achieving Freedom

    When Sarah was a child, she had difficulty speaking and communicating with her family and friends. She was often misunderstood and felt isolated from others. However, her life changed when she discovered the power of communication tools such as sign language, writing, and technology. With these tools, she was able to express herself more clearly…

  • Commitment- Yielding the Nerve Center of Our Consent

    Commitment- Yielding the Nerve Center of Our Consent

    June never thought she could dive off a 20-foot-high cliff into the cool, blue water 30 feet below. But with an unwavering commitment, she approached the edge, took a deep breath, and leaped off without hesitation. For June, it was symbolic of the power of commitment- to face her fears, step out of her comfort…

  • Clever Men Are Good, But They Are Not The Best

    Clever Men Are Good, But They Are Not The Best

    Once upon a time, there was an ordinary man named John. He lived an ordinary life, had an ordinary job, and did ordinary things. But John had a dream – he wanted to do something extraordinary, something that would set him apart from others. John knew that he wasn’t the smartest person in the world,…

  • Civil and Political Rights Can’t Fix Health Disparities

    Civil and Political Rights Can’t Fix Health Disparities

    Paul Farmer, a physician and medical anthropologist, once said, “Civil and political rights are critical, but not often the real problem for the destitute sick. My patients in Haiti can now vote but they can’t get medical care or clean water.” This statement holds true in many parts of the world where governments have pledged…

  • Business is War – How to Dominate Your Competition

    Business is War – How to Dominate Your Competition

    Kevin O’Leary, the successful Canadian businessman and famous Shark Tank investor, is a great example of someone who knows that business is war. He started his first company, a small television production and special events company, and within a few years, he had grown it into a company with over $100 million in annual revenues.…

  • Building a More Secure Future for Our Country

    Building a More Secure Future for Our Country

    Do you ever stop to think about how much energy we use on a daily basis? From turning on the lights, to using our phones and computers, and even to fueling our cars, energy is a vital part of our daily lives. But have you ever stopped to think about where that energy comes from,…

  • Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    Breathe-In Experience, Breathe-Out Poetry

    It was a beautiful summer evening, the kind of evening that makes you want to stay outside forever. In a nearby park, there was a small gathering of people, surrounded by trees and the sounds of nature. They were there for a poetry reading, and as the sun began to set, the first poet took…

  • Breaking the Stereotypes: Women Working and Achieving Success

    Breaking the Stereotypes: Women Working and Achieving Success

    Inspiring story of a woman who broke stereotypes and achieved success There was once a woman named Mary. She was raised in a family where women were expected to stay at home, raise children, and take care of the household. Mary, however, had a different dream. She wanted to become a doctor and help people.…

  • Breaking the Politics of Race: Insights from Anna Deavere Smith

    Breaking the Politics of Race: Insights from Anna Deavere Smith

    It was a sunny day in the suburbs when Jimena, a young Latina, walked into her new school. She was excited to start afresh and make new friends. However, she was met with a cold stare from her neighbor, who noticed her skin color within moments. The situation escalated quickly, and soon rumors were circulating…

  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women: An Urgent Need

    Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women: An Urgent Need

    In the early 1960s, Mary Jackson was a black woman working as a mathematician for NASA. Despite her brilliance, she was stuck in a low-level position, unable to advance due to racial and gender discrimination. But she didn’t let that stop her. Jackson fought for her right to attend graduate school to become an engineer,…

  • Blind Faith: The Key to an Actor’s Success

    Blind Faith: The Key to an Actor’s Success

    There once was an aspiring actor named John who moved to Hollywood with nothing but an old suitcase and a dream. He went to countless auditions, but always seemed to fall short. Feeling defeated, he was on the verge of giving up when he attended an acting workshop where he heard the following quote: These…

  • Beware of Men Who Cry

    Beware of Men Who Cry

    There is a story I once heard about a manager who was tasked with leading a team through an incredibly difficult project. His team was tired, morale was low, and the deadline was fast approaching. During a particularly grueling meeting, one of the members of his team broke down in tears. The manager was unsure…

  • Believe – You Can Make A Difference

    Believe – You Can Make A Difference

    Justin Bieber is a name that needs no introduction. From his humble beginnings as a small-town kid in Canada to becoming a global pop sensation, he has certainly made a name for himself. But behind all the headlines and controversies lies an inspiring story of hard work, perseverance, and the belief that one can achieve…

  • Being a Female Boss: Breaking Barriers and Shattering Glass Ceilings

    Being a Female Boss: Breaking Barriers and Shattering Glass Ceilings

    Robert Frost, a famous American poet, once said, “I’m not a teacher, but an awakener.” This holds true for the female bosses who have awakened the world by breaking barriers, shattering glass ceilings, and proving that gender should never hold anyone back from achieving greatness. Michelle Obama began her career as an attorney in a…

  • Beauty: Beyond the Surface

    Beauty: Beyond the Surface

    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Jane who was considered the most beautiful in her town. Jane had long, shiny hair, flawless skin, and a perfect figure. Everyone admired her beauty, but one day, a stranger came to town and asked Jane what made her beautiful. Instead of the usual response of…

  • Be There for a Greater Cause – Story of Alan Shepard

    Be There for a Greater Cause – Story of Alan Shepard

    It was May 5, 1961, when Alan Shepard became the first American in space. Shepard’s journey into space was risky, but he knew that his talent and ability could be implemented effectively to operate the spacecraft. He was not there to gain fame or recognition, but he was there for a greater purpose, to represent…

  • Be One of the Faithful – The Power of Optimism

    Be One of the Faithful – The Power of Optimism

    It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling and the rain was pouring down in sheets. John was driving home from work, feeling drained and stressed out. All he wanted was to get home and curl up under a warm blanket with a cup of tea. But that was not meant to…

  • Attitude is Everything

    Attitude is Everything

    Have you ever been in a situation where you have no money and you feel like there’s no way out? You feel helpless, hopeless and defeated. Well, there is one thing that can get you out of that situation, and that is your attitude. One day, a man named John lost his job and was…

  • Art is Never Finished, Only Abandoned

    Art is Never Finished, Only Abandoned

    In the heart of Florence, Italy, there was once a masterpiece that never saw the light of day. The magnificent bronze statue of Duke Francesco Sforza, which was commissioned by the Milanese ruler in 1488, was abandoned by the most celebrated artist of the Renaissance period, Leonardo da Vinci. The sculpture never made it to…

  • Are You Really Into Women or Just Horny?

    Are You Really Into Women or Just Horny?

    John was a young man who just turned sixteen and was excited to start dating. He had many female friends, but never felt any attraction towards them. Whenever his friends talked about attractive women, John could never relate. He thought he might be gay, but he was not interested in men either. One day, he…

  • Are Older Women Invisible in Hollywood?

    Are Older Women Invisible in Hollywood?

    Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Amy Heckerling who aspired to be a filmmaker. She studied at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and worked hard to make her dreams a reality. However, as she got older, she began to notice a disturbing trend in Hollywood – the lack…

  • Antagonistic to Good: The Struggle to Overcome

    Antagonistic to Good: The Struggle to Overcome

    Everyone has their own definition of what is good, but one thing is for sure: there will always be obstacles and challenges that prevent us from achieving what we want. It’s not always easy to overcome these antagonists, but we must try if we want to lead fulfilling lives. The story of a young woman…

  • An Inspiring Story: The Fight for A Clean Minimum Wage

    An Inspiring Story: The Fight for A Clean Minimum Wage

    Meet Sarah, a single mother of two children who has been working at a fast-food restaurant for 5 years. She works full-time, sometimes even overtime, but still only earns minimum wage. Her salary is barely enough to cover rent, groceries, utilities, and childcare expenses. She often skips meals to ensure her children have enough to…

  • An Inspiring Journey into the Arctic

    An Inspiring Journey into the Arctic

    It was a cold, misty morning when our team set off to explore the Arctic. We were a group of passionate explorers, educators, and researchers who were eager to learn as much as we could about the world’s most unique and fragile ecosystem. As we traveled deeper into this stunningly beautiful landscape, we were reminded…

  • Always Keep Learning: It Keeps You Young

    Always Keep Learning: It Keeps You Young

    Have you ever heard of Harriet Thompson? She was a woman on a mission to stay young, and she did just that, by learning new things until the very end of her life. At 92 years old, Harriet became the oldest woman to ever run a marathon. What’s even more impressive is that she did…

  • Ageless Companions – Wine and Cheese

    Ageless Companions – Wine and Cheese

    There are few things in life that seem as natural together as wine and cheese. The combination of a good red wine and a flavorful cheese can transport your taste buds to a state of pure bliss. It’s no wonder that people have been enjoying these two delights together for centuries. One evening, while visiting…

  • Adolescence: More than Prom and Sparkly Dresses

    Adolescence: More than Prom and Sparkly Dresses

    When Jena Malone was a teenager, she didn’t care much about fashion or social events. Instead, she spent her time reading books, watching movies, and writing poetry. Although some of her classmates teased her for being different, Jena knew that there was more to adolescence than superficial things. Jena’s words are a reminder that adolescence…

  • Adele: From Singer to Celebrity

    Adele: From Singer to Celebrity

    It all started when Adele was just a little girl, singing along to the radio in her bedroom in Tottenham, England. She loved the sound of music and the way it made her feel. Her parents noticed her talent and encouraged her to pursue her passion. Despite her shy nature, Adele began performing in school…

  • Abolishing the Death Penalty for Animals

    Abolishing the Death Penalty for Animals

    An inspiring story that sheds light on the issue… Animals cannot speak for themselves or defend themselves in court. They are at the mercy of humans, who often mistreat them with no consequences. The death penalty is a prime example of the unfair treatment of animals. We have abolished the death penalty for humans, so…

  • A Shakespearean Tragedy: More Than a Story of Calamity and Death

    A Shakespearean Tragedy: More Than a Story of Calamity and Death

    There is something deeply compelling about tragedy. It has the power to move us, to shake our beliefs and challenge our assumptions. It can make us cry, but it can also make us think. The great tragedies of Shakespeare are some of the most powerful examples of the form, and they have been studied and…

  • A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    A Revised Schedule and Its Importance to Business

    Have you ever felt stuck in your business and unable to move forward? It happens to even the most successful entrepreneurs. But what sets them apart is their ability to adapt and revise their schedules like athletes do when faced with a new season, or artists when given a new canvas.

  • A Moment of Transformation in History

    A Moment of Transformation in History

    Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Rahul who lived in a small village in India. Rahul was intelligent and curious, but he didn’t have access to a good education due to the limited resources in his village. However, he was determined to learn and grow. One day, a group of philanthropists…

  • A Diplomatic Peace Is Not Yet the Real Peace

    A Diplomatic Peace Is Not Yet the Real Peace

    It was a hot summer day in a remote village of Africa. A group of tourists was exploring the village and happened to meet an old man sitting under the shade of a tree. They asked him – “What is the secret of your eternal happiness?” The old man smiled and replied – “I shifted…

  • Don’t Waste Your Time Living Someone Else’s Life

    Don’t Waste Your Time Living Someone Else’s Life

    One of the greatest visionaries of our time, Steve Jobs, once spoke about the importance of living our own lives and following our hearts and intuition. His story is full of inspiration and wisdom, and his words continue to guide us even today. Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple, one of the most successful…

  • Do What You Gotta Do

    Do What You Gotta Do

    There was once a young man named James who had a passion for singing and songwriting. He dreamed of becoming a successful musician, but his family didn’t support his choice of career and wanted him to pursue a more stable job that would guarantee financial security. Despite the challenges and doubts from his loved ones,…

  • Do Not Incarcerate Yourself: Breaking Free from the Chains of Fate and Time

    Do Not Incarcerate Yourself: Breaking Free from the Chains of Fate and Time

    Once upon a time, there was a man named William who believed that he was destined to live a mediocre life. He believed that he had no control over the events in his life and that his future was predetermined by fate. He went through life feeling hopeless and powerless. However, one day, he stumbled…

  • Do Men Secretly Want Women to Fall in the Toilet?

    Do Men Secretly Want Women to Fall in the Toilet?

    One night, I woke up from a deep sleep and stumbled to the bathroom. As I sat down on the toilet, I felt a sudden rush of cold water and realized I had fallen in. It was a scary experience, but it was also a wake-up call. I knew I had to find out why…

  • Discrimination: A pathway to American Greatness

    Discrimination: A pathway to American Greatness

    It was a cold winter morning in 1962 when Billy Johnson, an African American, walked into the all-white restaurant in Georgia, hoping to grab a bite before work. Little did he know, his decision would spark an unprecedented series of events that would ultimately change the course of history. The restaurant had a strict policy…

  • Discovering Your Unique Style in Music

    Discovering Your Unique Style in Music

    Everyone has their own taste in music, but what makes a musician stand out from the rest? Perhaps it’s their unique style – a combination of different genres and sounds that make the music truly their own. Yoko Ono, a musician and artist, once said, “I just go with the flow, so any style can…

  • Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    Disarmament Follows Peace | Bernard Baruch

    by Jane Doe Imagine a world where countries do not engage in war, but rather, they work together towards achieving global peace and harmony. Sounds like a fantasy, doesn’t it? But it is possible, and it starts with a seed of hope and a reminder from history.

  • Dependence: Are We Losing Our Independence?

    Dependence: Are We Losing Our Independence?

    By John Smith Once upon a time, there was a young man named David. He came from a poor family and had to work hard to get an education. Despite all the obstacles he faced, David never gave up on his dreams and eventually became a successful businessman. He was proud of his accomplishment, but…

  • The Lost Art of Tap Dancing: A Reminiscence of the Old Hollywood Musicals

    The Lost Art of Tap Dancing: A Reminiscence of the Old Hollywood Musicals

    When I was a kid, I used to watch old musical movies with my grandma. She was a big fan of Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, and she would tell me stories about how they used to dance as if they were floating on air. As a young boy, I was captivated by their moves.…

  • The Logic of the World: Beyond Truth and Falsehood

    The Logic of the World: Beyond Truth and Falsehood

    A journey towards understanding the enigma of the world’s logic I remember when I was a little boy, my grandfather would always tell me stories about his travels around the world. One story that stood out to me was when he visited a remote tribe in Africa. The tribe had a unique way of interpreting…

  • The Link Between Religion and Civilization

    The Link Between Religion and Civilization

    Have you ever wondered why every civilization has its own religion? Many people believe that it is merely a coincidence. However, if we dig deeper, we will discover that there is a link between religion and civilization that goes beyond chance and coincidence. Author Huston Smith explains that different civilizations were brought into being by…

  • The Lifestyle of Emilio Estevez – A Journey Towards Sustainable Living

    The Lifestyle of Emilio Estevez – A Journey Towards Sustainable Living

    One may expect a successful Hollywood actor to be living a flashy lifestyle with high-end cars, designer clothes, and luxurious mansions. But there exist exceptions – people who choose to live a simple life, close to nature. Emilio Estevez, perhaps most famous for his role in The Breakfast Club, is one such person. He has…

  • The Last Person in the World

    The Last Person in the World

    It was the early 90s, and musician David Byrne was in Miami to promote his solo album. He had agreed to do an interview on a local radio station, and everything was going well until the interviewer asked if he would play some salsa or Brazilian music. Byrne froze. It didn’t even occur to him…

  • The Joy of Being a Father

    The Joy of Being a Father

    Once upon a time, there was a man named David. David was a successful businessman who had everything he ever wanted – a big house, fancy cars, and a loving wife. However, David felt like something was missing in his life. Despite his success, he felt unfulfilled. One day, David’s wife told him that they…

  • The Joy of Basketball Goals: A Tribute to James Naismith

    The Joy of Basketball Goals: A Tribute to James Naismith

    Learn about the history and joy of basketball goals and how James Naismith has influenced the sport. Imagine a small town in rural America, where kids have nothing to do in their free time. No playgrounds, no sports teams, no after school activities. These kids are bored and restless, with a lot of energy to…

  • The Journey towards Greatness- Plato’s Inspirational Wisdom

    The Journey towards Greatness- Plato’s Inspirational Wisdom

    The path towards greatness is a journey that many aspire to embark on. We all dream of creating a mark on the world and making a significant impact on the people around us. However, this journey can be difficult, and oftentimes we find ourselves confused and lost. Plato, the famous philosopher, offers a wise and…

  • The Inspiration Behind the Character of Ted

    The Inspiration Behind the Character of Ted

    It was a warm summer evening when Max Cannon sat down to write his latest comic strip. The main character, Ted, had been a popular figure among Cannon’s readers for years, but tonight he struggled to come up with fresh material. As he poured over ideas, his mind wandered to his own life, where he…

  • The Incredible Story of Eminem and Rap Music

    The Incredible Story of Eminem and Rap Music

    Marshall Bruce Mathers III, better known as Eminem, is a rapper, songwriter, and record producer who has sold over 150 million records worldwide. Born in Missouri, USA, in 1972, Eminem was raised by his mother in Detroit, Michigan, in poverty. He started rapping at a young age and struggled to make a living from his…

  • The Incredible Hulk Goes Green: Mark Ruffalo Takes on Fracking

    The Incredible Hulk Goes Green: Mark Ruffalo Takes on Fracking

    Mark Ruffalo is known for his role as the Incredible Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he is also a passionate advocate for the environment and public health. In particular, he has been outspoken about the dangers of fracking, a method of extracting natural gas from shale rock that has been linked to contamination…

  • The Importance of Standards and Leadership in a Democratic Society

    The Importance of Standards and Leadership in a Democratic Society

    Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a group of people who were struggling to survive. They had no access to clean water or proper sanitation and were suffering from various illnesses. One day, a young woman from the village decided to take action. She spoke to the elders and convinced them…

  • The Importance of Government Trust: A Call to Action

    The Importance of Government Trust: A Call to Action

    By Barack Obama It was a sunny day in Chicago when I first met John. He was a veteran who had served his country with honor and valor. But upon returning home, he faced a different kind of battle – one that almost left him homeless. Despite the odds, he persevered and overcame his hardships…

  • The Importance of Finding Balance Between Fun, Mirth, and Happiness

    The Importance of Finding Balance Between Fun, Mirth, and Happiness

    Once upon a time, there was a young man named John. John was a hardworking individual who loved nothing more than having fun with his friends every weekend. One day, John decided to take a break from work and go out on a weekend trip with his friends. They spent two full days partying, drinking,…

  • The Importance of Family and Work-Life Balance in the Restaurant Industry

    The Importance of Family and Work-Life Balance in the Restaurant Industry

    As a business owner in the restaurant industry, Michael Symon understands the importance of balancing work and family life. Growing up in a Greek and Sicilian family, food was always at the center of celebrations and gatherings. Symon’s first job was at a local pizza place, which later led him to study at the Culinary…

  • The Importance of Climate Change

    The Importance of Climate Change

    Once upon a time, there was a small village located at the heart of nature’s beauty. Trees were tall, and the birds were chirping throughout the day. The village was a paradise that no one would ever want to leave. One day, everything changed, and the beauty of the village started to perish. The river…

  • The Importance of Acknowledging Differences Between Men and Women

    The Importance of Acknowledging Differences Between Men and Women

    When I was growing up, I was always told that I could be anything I wanted to be. As a young girl, I dreamt of becoming a pilot. I asked my father about it, and he said “Sure, but you’ll have to work harder than any man to achieve that goal.” That’s when it hit…

  • The Image of God: Understanding Our True Identity

    The Image of God: Understanding Our True Identity

    John was a successful businessman who had everything he could ask for in life. However, he felt a sense of emptiness that he couldn’t explain. One day, he attended a church service and heard a sermon on the image of God. The message touched him deeply and made him realize that he had been living…

  • The Hunt for Cool Tee Shirts

    The Hunt for Cool Tee Shirts

    By Bridget Hall It all started when I was in high school. I walked into a thrift store one day and came across a vintage Led Zeppelin tee shirt. It was love at first sight. From then on, I was always on the lookout for cool tee shirts, whether they were band tees or vintage…

  • The Human Side of Genius Biographies

    The Human Side of Genius Biographies

    In my career as a biographer, I have written about some of the most famous geniuses in history, from Benjamin Franklin to Albert Einstein. While each subject has their own unique story, there is one common theme that I have discovered: they are all human just like you and me. One particular biography that comes…

  • The Greek Tragedy of Nixon: Insights from Henry A. Kissinger

    The Greek Tragedy of Nixon: Insights from Henry A. Kissinger

    Once upon a time, there was a man named Richard Nixon who had the world at his feet. He was the President of the United States, with all the power and privilege that came with it. But Nixon had a fatal flaw – he was insecure and paranoid, always looking for enemies and conspiracies where…

  • The Great Encounter of Christmas

    The Great Encounter of Christmas

    Once upon a time, there was a small village in the middle of nowhere. The villagers were poor but honest, and they celebrated Christmas with great joy every year. One Christmas Eve, a stranger arrived in the village. He was tired and cold, and he asked the villagers for food and shelter. At first, some…

  • The Great Awakening of We The People

    The Great Awakening of We The People

    It started with a simple dream, a young boy from Texas knew he wanted to make a difference in the world. Ted Cruz, born in Calgary, Canada, to a Cuban father and American mother, grew up with the determination to achieve his goals. He worked hard in school, graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University…

  • The Gold Medalist: A Story of Inspiration and Perseverance

    The Gold Medalist: A Story of Inspiration and Perseverance

    Scott Hamilton is a name that needs no introduction in the world of figure skating. He is the epitome of excellence, the man who won the gold medal at the 1984 Winter Olympics, and left a legacy that has inspired generations of skaters since then. However, Scott’s journey to success was not an easy one.…

  • The Gift of Life: Rose Kennedy’s Inspiring Story

    The Gift of Life: Rose Kennedy’s Inspiring Story

    It was a quiet evening when Rose Kennedy received the news about the tragic accident that took the life of her son. John F. Kennedy was only 46 years old when he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. As a mother, Rose was devastated by the loss of her child. But amidst the grief and pain,…

  • The Gay Uniform: Coordination is Key

    The Gay Uniform: Coordination is Key

    When I was growing up, there was a TV show called “An American Family” that followed the lives of the Loud family. One of the sons, Lance Loud, was openly gay and became a role model for many LGBTQ+ people in the 70s. He was known for his unique sense of style and his ability…

  • The Garbage in our Culture – An Environmental Issue in Need of Attention

    The Garbage in our Culture – An Environmental Issue in Need of Attention

    Eight-year-old Chloe noticed the trash that littered the park where she played. Motivated to do something about it, she enlisted the help of her friends and family to clean up the park – one piece of trash at a time. Their efforts made a huge difference, and the park became a beautiful, clean space for…

  • The Funeral of Natural History – An Article by John Burroughs

    The Funeral of Natural History – An Article by John Burroughs

    It was a sunny day in April, and I was walking in the woods when I first heard the news. A friend of mine, who was a scientist, told me that a natural history museum in our city was about to close down due to a lack of funding. As a lover of nature and…

  • The Fun in Men Chasing Women

    The Fun in Men Chasing Women

    David Spade, an American actor, comedian, and writer, once said, “There’s always something funny about men chasing women.” And indeed, there is something funny about it. Let me share with you an inspiring story.

  • The Food Revolution Sweeping the Nation – An Inspiring Story

    The Food Revolution Sweeping the Nation – An Inspiring Story

    When I was growing up, we didn’t think too much about what we ate. It wasn’t until I started cooking professionally that I became more aware of the quality of food and its impact on health. But even then, it wasn’t until my own son was diagnosed with food allergies that I truly began to…

  • The Fight for Our Rights: A Call to Action

    The Fight for Our Rights: A Call to Action

    It was the year 1964, and the Civil Rights Act had just been signed into law. A young girl named Kerry Washington sat in her home with her family, watching the news reports about the historic event. As an African American girl growing up in the United States, she knew all too well the struggles…

  • The Fight Alone: The Pleasure of Struggle

    The Fight Alone: The Pleasure of Struggle

    There’s something about the struggle that gives us a sense of purpose. It’s that feeling of pushing ourselves beyond our limits and overcoming adversity that brings us a sense of fulfillment. The famous mathematician Blaise Pascal once said, “It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory.” And this statement couldn’t be truer.…

  • The Fear of Being Friends with Great Men

    The Fear of Being Friends with Great Men

    Bob was born into poverty. His family was always struggling to make ends meet, and he had to work hard since a young age to help his parents. However, he never lost sight of his dream to become a successful businessman. He worked hard, studied relentlessly, and eventually became the CEO of his own company.…

  • The Far-Reaching Development of Segregation: A Historical Journey

    The Far-Reaching Development of Segregation: A Historical Journey

    It was a scorching summer day in 1955 when Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African American woman, refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a white person. Her simple act of defiance sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, which lasted for 381 days and changed the course of history. Segregation, the systematic…

  • The Entertaining Quotient of My Family – by David Sedaris

    The Entertaining Quotient of My Family – by David Sedaris

    By David Sedaris As long as I can remember, my family has always been a source of laughter and entertainment. People always ask me, “What’s it like being part of the Sedaris family?” My response is always, “Well, maybe they’re a bit more entertaining, but really, we’re not that different from anyone else’s.”

  • The Enriching Value of Travel

    The Enriching Value of Travel

    Have you ever traveled somewhere and felt like your entire world view had been flipped upside down? That you had learned more in those few days than you could have in months of reading books? This is the power of travel and its ability to teach us about ourselves, other cultures and the world around…

  • The Engineering Marvel of Brunel’s Railway Stations

    The Engineering Marvel of Brunel’s Railway Stations

    Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a British civil engineer, is renowned for his exceptional work in bridge and railroad construction during the industrial revolution era. Brunel was not only responsible for Britain’s largest ships, but he is also credited with designing some of the most beautiful railway stations in the country. Manifesting his engineering prowess and art-worthiness,…

  • The Enduring Appeal of Mainstream Jazz

    The Enduring Appeal of Mainstream Jazz

    Jazz music has a way of reaching into the soul and lifting people up. It can inspire emotions from deep within and has the power to connect people from all walks of life. One such story comes from the great Dave Van Ronk, a legendary blues musician from the 60s and 70s. Dave Van Ronk’s…

  • The Downside of Having Too Much Education in a Certain Field

    The Downside of Having Too Much Education in a Certain Field

    Amber Tamblyn is an American actress and writer who rose to fame after her role in the movie “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”. She grew up in a family of artists, writers, and academics. Her father was a actor and her mother was a singer and artist. Both of her parents pushed her to pursue…

  • The Double Face of Art and Science | An Article by Publilius Syrus

    The Double Face of Art and Science | An Article by Publilius Syrus

    Art has a double face, of expression and illusion, just like science has a double face: the reality of error and the phantom of truth. This quote by Publilius Syrus illustrates the paradoxical nature of two of the most fundamental parts of our world. A young artist struggled to create a painting that would capture…

  • The Divine Ways of Music

    The Divine Ways of Music

    It was a beautiful morning, and my day started as usual with listening to music. The song I played brought back memories of my childhood, memories of my father singing that song to me. Tears started rolling down my face, and I realized the power of music to evoke emotions. It was then that I…

  • The Delightful Food Journey in Las Vegas

    The Delightful Food Journey in Las Vegas

    “Food is not just eating energy. It’s an experience”. Do you ever feel like your taste buds are begging for a change? Are you a foodie looking for new culinary adventures? Look no further than Las Vegas, the ultimate destination for food enthusiasts who crave bold and unique flavors. A few years ago, I went…

  • The Decline of Explicitly Christian Influences in Politics and Culture

    The Decline of Explicitly Christian Influences in Politics and Culture

    As a society, we are constantly changing and evolving. One of the most notable changes in recent years has been the decline of explicitly Christian influences in politics and culture. While some may see this as a negative development, I believe that it is ultimately a positive thing for our society. One of the most…

  • The Death of Decency in America

    The Death of Decency in America

    Let me begin this article with a story that inspired me. It was a story about a man who lived in a small town and noticed that his neighbors were struggling to make ends meet. So he started a community garden where people could grow their own vegetables and share the produce with each other.…

  • The Dead: A Great Horror Story That Will Chill Your Bones

    The Dead: A Great Horror Story That Will Chill Your Bones

    Horror stories have fascinated us for centuries. The suspenseful plots, the eerie atmosphere, and the creepy characters often leave us spellbound. One such story that has captured our hearts is The Dead. This horror movie has kept audiences on the edge of their seats with its spine-chilling narrative and thrilling climax. The story of The…

  • The Dark Vision of George Orwell

    The Dark Vision of George Orwell

    Once upon a time in a small village, there was a man named John. John was a hard-working carpenter who loved his job and took pride in his work. He was known for his impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail. People came from all around to commission him for their woodworking needs. One day, John…

  • The Danger of Copying Oneself: Lessons from Pablo Picasso

    The Danger of Copying Oneself: Lessons from Pablo Picasso

    Success is something we all crave. The feeling of accomplishment and achievement is incredibly satisfying, but it can be dangerous. Once we achieve success, it’s easy to slip into a routine of repetition, doing what worked before instead of innovating and trying new things. This idea is exemplified perfectly by the famous artist and innovator,…

  • The Connection Between the Body and Soul

    The Connection Between the Body and Soul

    As Ludwig Wittgenstein once said, “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.” This powerful quote speaks to the deeply ingrained connection between the physical body and the non-physical self. In this article, we will explore the intricate relationship between our physical and non-physical selves, and how understanding this connection can lead…

  • The Coming of Post-Modernism to Computer Science

    The Coming of Post-Modernism to Computer Science

    When I was a kid, I used to think that computer science was all about logic and math. I imagined that the people who worked in this field were like robots, always focused on solving problems and making machines work faster. But as I grew older and started to learn more about programming languages and…

  • The Collective Memory of Nature

    The Collective Memory of Nature

    Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the mountains, there lived an old man who was known for his wisdom and stories. One day, a group of young children gathered around him, eager to hear one of his tales. The children leaned in closer.

  • The Character of a Man and His Age

    The Character of a Man and His Age

    Once upon a time, there was a man named John who was known in his community as a kind-hearted person. He had a reputation for always lending a helping hand to those in need and never hesitated to stand up for what was right. One day, a young boy approached John and asked if he…